[A-DX] Slow Scan Radio #31

So Mär 24 09:30:58 CET 2019

Am 22.03.2019 um 13:25 schrieb Shortwave Radiogram:
> *Slow Scan Radio *transmits SSTV images and text modes Saturdays at 
> 1300-1330 UTC on 6070 kHz and 7440 kHz via Channel 292 in Germany -- 
> according to the latest schedule information I have. The website is 
> _>.

Slow Scan Radio #31 with confusion potential, not just for FLDIGI. ;-)
With no full RSID support, it's nearly impossible to properly decode 
everything in real time.
Here is a graphical overview, a kind of storyboard, what happened:


However, some other (music) program was running on the 7440kHz. But I 
was too busy with the "data fight" on 6070 kHz.
