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[A-DX] DRM, Peter Senger auf weitere 2 Jahre als DRM Konsortium Vorsitzender

  • Subject: [A-DX] DRM, Peter Senger auf weitere 2 Jahre als DRM Konsortium Vorsitzender
  • From: "Dr. Anton J. Kuchelmeister" <ajk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:24:47 +0200

Im Originaltext hiermit weitergereicht (zusammengefasst: Peter Senger ist als DRM Konsortium Vorsitzender auf weitere 2 Jahre wiedergewählt. Der allerletzte Satz der Pressemeldung sagt was zur Markteinführung von DRM Geräten aus der Serienproduktion.):


Peter Senger remains chair of DRM

DRM Director at Deutsche Welle confirmed for another two year office at the head of the consortium Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)

At the annual meeting of the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) consortium in Istanbul, Peter Senger, Director of DRM at Deutsche Welle, was re-elected as chair of the steering board for another two years. The international consortium led the development of the digital DRM standard for long, medium and shortwave radio (AM range) to market readiness and plans to do the same for FM radio in coming years. The organization’s members include the world’s most important radio broadcasters, organizations and institutions from research and development, the electronics industry and network operators. Peter Senger has headed the consortium, which has approx. 100 members from over 30 nations, since its founding in 1998.

DW Director-General Erik Bettermann sees Senger’s re-election as a confirmation of DW’s successful commitment within the consortium. “The digitalization of shortwave radio opens up vast opportunities for Deutsche Welle. We will continue to be present and active at the forefront of this development and take further advantage of these opportunities,” said Bettermann.

The DRM transmission system improves sound in the AM range to near FM quality while eliminating the disadvantages of analogue reception such as fading, noise and interference. Digitalization makes operation of receivers far simpler and it enables the additional parallel transmission of text, images or permanent information channels.

At the annual meeting, the launch of serial production of DRM radios for the mass market was announced.

7 April 2006

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