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Re: [A-DX] 4625 kHz

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] 4625 kHz
  • From: "Hans-Friedrich Dumrese" <hf.dumrese@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 09:38:54 +0100

Als Antwort auf Deine/Ihre Mail vom 3 Jan 2002, betr. "[A-DX] 4625 kHz":

Seit Jahren - gut zu empfangen - auf 4625 kHz ein Klang, der so klingt
wie das Tuten eines Dampfers oder so ähnlich... schwer zu beschreiben.
Auf jeden Fall immer in gleicher Länge und mit gleichen (kurzen) Pausen

Die gewöhnlich als "Buzzer" titulierte und in der Enigma-Notation als
"S28" apostrophierte Station steht in Russland. Ich empfehle Dir die Seite
http://www.geocities.com/uvb76. Hier ein kleiner Auszug:

Callsign     : UVB76
Frequency    : 4625 khz
Mode         : A3E
Hours of ops : 24h
Location     : 55N50/36E47
               (40 km West of Moscow, 10 km North of Zvenigorod)
Modulation   : Buzzer 0.8 sec., pause 1-1.3 sec., repeating 21-34 times
               per minute. (Clear tone beeps observed in 1980's)
Power        : ~10 kW
Antenna      : Omnidirectional
Operator     : Ministry of Defense
Schedule     : 24h; daily at 1000-1050 MSK switch to backup low power
Purpose      : Channel marker; point-to-point voice communications link
               covering Moscow oblast and Central Russia.
Traffic      : Rare control messages (Rus. "reskript") in Russian, male
               operator, live ; content example:
               "UVB-76. 74, 148. Antimonat. 26, 37, 09, 31."  (repeated
               several times)
First heard  : Around 1982
Malfunctions : Stoppages, background noise, distorted
               oscillator ("buzzer") signal, insertions of
               1000 Hz tone, on-air conversations by staff
               during malfunctions, 2nd and 3rd harmonics
               (9250 and 13875 kHz)
Circuit       : Master Ctrl-> Radio Bureau -> Radio Station
                "Apparatnaya" "Kross"         "UVB-76"
Events noted : - May 6, 1994, and July 25, 1994 2nd and 3rd
                 harmonics (9250 and 13875 kHz) observed.
- December 24, 1997 Control message* observed at 2100 UTC:
                 "UVB-76. 180, 08. Bromal. 74, 27, 99, 14".
               - June 23, 1999 Control message* observed at 1940, 2005,
                 2040 and 2120 UTC. Unknown contents.
- July 1, 1999 Strong background noise observed at 2045 UTC
                 and two weeks thereafter
               - July 5, 1999 No carrier at 2130-2148 UTC
               - October 18-19, 1999 2nd harmonic observed at 2300-0500
- December 24, 2000 Control message* observed at 0930 UTC:
                 "UVB-76. 74, 148. Antimonat. 26, 37, 09, 31".
- December 24, 2000 Control message* observed at 0945 UTC:
                 "UVB-76. 61,  21. Antimonat. 26, 37, 09, 31".
- December 25, 2000 maintenance noted at 0850 UTC: a 1000
                 Hz tone, pause, 0.1 sec. of a female voice (microphone
                 switched on by error?), and at 0900 UTC the "buzzer"
                 came back.
               - March 16, 2001 Different type of modulation observed:
                 suppressed carrier during pauses between "buzzes"
                 (resembling DCS, Dynamic Carrier Suppression)
- November 3, 2001 Observed at 1040-1120 UTC: long pauses (no modulation), "buzzer" with strong background noise,
                 multiple insertions of 000 Hz tone, and conversation:
                 [male voice, in Russian] "Ya 143. Nepoluchayu
                 generatora"; [female voice] "Idyot takaya rabota ot
                 apparatnoy". ("I'm 143rd. I don't receive the
oscillator"; "That's what the 'Apparatnaya' is sending")
               - November 19, 2001 at 05:15 UTC the transmitter with
                 Dynamic Carrier Suppression was in use on UVB76.
- Unknown time Reports about transmissions on 3320, 3329,
                 5211 and 5310 kHz
               * Presumed purpose of the control messages is to check
                 readiness of receiving stations. Russian military
communications people also call these messages "signal".

Neben dieser Aussage habe ich bisher folgendes gelesen:

- Standort: - Penza (300km SE von Moskau)
            - Weißrußland nahe der polnischen Grenze
            - zwischen Kholm (NW von Moskau) und Moskau (DF!)
            - Tver-Region
            - Gegenstation bei der IAEA in Wien im Vienna
              International Centre (4U1VIC)

Inwieweit hier Desinformation gestreut wurde, möchte ich an dieser Stelle
nicht erörtern.



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