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[A-DX] ISS School Contact

  • Subject: [A-DX] ISS School Contact
  • From: "Martin Reiter" <reiter.martin@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 21:06:57 +0100


Zwar ein bischen OFF-TOPIC, aber hoffentlich trotzdem für manche

Am Mittwoch, 28. Jänner 2004 findet über Europa wieder einmal ein
Funkkontakt zwischen einer (englischen) Schule und der Besatzung der
Internationalen Raumstation statt. In ganz Europa kann man diesen auf der
Frequenz 145.800 (2m-Band) verfolgen.

Hier die genauen Daten:

Datum: 28. 1. 2004
Zeit: 17:42 UTC (für ca. 10 Minuten)
Frequenz: 145.800

Da die englischen Schüler hier in Österreich natürlich nicht zu hören sind
... hier die vorbereiteten Fragen:


Kings School  Canterbury, England

Contact is a go for Wed 2004-01-28 17:42 UTC
Proposed questions for Kings School are:

1. Is the training you receive an accurate simulation of what it is really
like in space?
2. What adjustments do you have to make between daily life in space and on
3. Do everyday things like electric toothbrushes, shavers and ink pens work
in space, or do they have to be specially designed?
4. Given that you are a role model for pupils at Kings, is there any advice
that you would like to pass on from your experiences?
5. What manner of routine maintenance and navigational tasks do you need to
perform on board the ISS?
6. Do you have any spacewalks planned for this mission, and if so, what
activities will you be performing?
7. What do you see as the main benefits of sending manned missions into
space as well as unmanned probes?
8. Do you think that we are currently entering a crucial phase for manned
9. Are there any experiments being carried out on the ISS at the moment that
you find particularly interesting?
10. Are you able to see the Northern Lights from space?
11. When you have some free time, do you prefer to look down on the Earth or
up at the stars?
12. If you daydream in space, what does it tend to be about?
13. Can you see signs of natural disasters on Earth from the ISS and do you
feel detached from such events when you hear about them on the news?
14. Has the Columbia disaster affected your feelings about going into space?
15. Given the current situation with the shuttle, do you think that the
space station will ever be completed?
16. What do you see yourself doing in the future when you stop being an
17. If you could take your family into space, what would be the first thing
that you would show them?
18. When you go into space, do you take a lucky charm with you?
19. What have been your favourite and least favourite moments in space?
20. What do you believe are the prospects for future manned missions to the
Moon and Mars?


Die ISS kann auch mit einfachem Equipment (Scanner + Vertical-Antenne) in
guter Qualität gehört werden.

Mehr Informationen über die ISS auf folgenden Webseiten:


vy73 de

Martin Reiter // OE5REO
4553 Schlierbach 251

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