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[A-DX] eMail von AIR Port Blair

nachdem ich erst im November einen sehr freundlichen QSL-Brief (siehe Homepage) vom Stationsingenieur von AIR Port Blair bekommen habe, hatte ich vor ein paar Tagen eine Mail auf gut Glück geschickt. Heute kam die Antwort von Herrn Venkateswarlu. Zumindest in Port Blair scheint ja gottseidank alles halbwegs in Ordnung.
Hier die Mail: 

Dear Sir

Thanks for the concern you have expressed in your mail. My family is safe at Chennai & i am fine here at Port Blair. The town of port blair has been rocked by the quake. Effect of tsunami is very little in the andamans. Major loss of life has occured in the southern group of islands the Nicobar group & little andaman. It would take some time before life returns to normal. The sea level in sothern islands & south andaman has gone up while ithe same has gone down in the north andaman. There are after shocks that keep the people awake in the nights. We are all hoping that every thin returns to normal at the earliest so that tourists can come back to these beautiful emerald islands. My station has done 18hrs & 30mts of broadcast ever since 26.12.2004 to 2.1.2005 carrying messages to people stranded in the affected islands. Over 10,000messgaes have been passed on during the period some bringing joy & some bringing sadness.

Thanks once again for the concern & joining us in prayer seeking return to normal life


K S Venkateswarlu

Rudolf Sonntag, Gilching, Germany

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