[A-DX] dxld - KBC missing on 9925, no, wait, there it is ...

So Mai 3 13:30:11 CEST 2015

Am 03.05.2015 um 02:14 schrieb  [dxld]:
> I'm not hearing The Mighty KBC on its summer 9925 kHz frequency.
> NB:  Just started mid-song at 0010 UTC.
> Listen for a minute of MFSK64 at about 0130 UTC -- although Eric did 
> not respond to my email, as he always did before, when I sent the mp3 
> file. Won't therefore actually know until 0130.
> Kim 


I then had KBC twice - at least the carrier.  But this is not a 
particular advantage when receiving data in MFSK64.
Skip-zone suffering.....


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