[A-DX] neue rfa qsl card

aon.913879759 at aon.at
Fr Dez 2 08:56:37 CET 2016

infomail auszug:
  Dear friends, 
Attached is the information about our new QSL card; this design commemorates 2017 as the Year of the Rooster.
We hope you enjoy this new QSL card and we look forward to receiving your reception reports through our automated reception report system at http://techweb.rfa.org <https://mail.a1.net/webmail/redirect?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftechweb.rfa.org>, by email to qsl<at>rfa.org, or by snail mail. 
Best wishes for a happy holiday season.  
73s.  AJ
Andrew "A.J" Janitschek
  Radio Free Asia
  ​den Wuenschen kann ick mich anschliessen.