[A-DX] "Letters without signatures" / "Briefe ohne Unterschriften"

So Sep 17 16:25:23 CEST 2017

Am 17.09.2017 um 13:02 schrieb Shortwave Radiogram:
> PS: Did you see this? ...
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-41283012

Hello Kim,
Thanks for the link and this shocking story. I'm slightly younger. My 
radio activities began a decade later, in the early 80s.
There were no longer so strict restrictions in private radio use.

But as a member of the "National People's Army", in the mid 80s, the  
listening of the BBC and other Western channels was still punishable.
Any contact with these stations would have been declared as "agent 

Perhaps older members of the "a-dx list" remember the BBC series: 
"Letters without signatures"

Vielleicht erinnern sich ältere Mitglieder der  "a-dx - Liste"  an die 
BBC-Serie:  "Briefe ohne Unterschriften".
