[A-DX] Radio DARC#260

Fr Feb 7 21:52:27 CET 2020

nächsten Sonntag dann in der Technikecke:   SLF / ULF


- 76 Hz "Sanguine"
- 82 Hz "ZEVS"

"...Als Sendeantenne verwendet ZEVS einen Bodendipol, der etwa 106 
Kilometer lang sein soll."



"....India is the second country after Russia to actively operate an 
Extremely low frequency facility; the United States had discontinued 
using it in 2004. Another such facility is proposed in Damagundam 
Reserve Forest.[8]"

".....The Naval facility sought to be built in the Damagundam Reserve 
Forest is a Extremely Low Frequency (3 to 30 hertz) base station which 
will be used as a communication hub for submarines. India will be only 
the second country to use ELF for communication purposes after Russia. 
The other Indian Navy facility is at INS Kattabomman which became 
operational in 2014. The United States operated project ELF from 1989 to 
2004 when it abandoned it in the face of massive opposition and better 
satellite communication.

The Wisconsin and Michigan transmitters at the American ELF facility 
were connected by 265 km underground cable. For each transmitter, a 
14-mile long antenna strung up on hundreds of 40 feet poles across 
dozens of miles was created. The annual operating costs ran to $13 
million. ELF transmission is one way and allowing only a few characters 
per minute

Russia has the facility called ZEVS in Kola Peninsula. The non-ionising 
radiation effect on fish, birds, animals and humans led to opposition."

