[A-DX] Fwd: Re: LOG: RNEI MFSK32 data

Fr Mär 27 20:15:20 CET 2020

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff:     Re: LOG: RNEI MFSK32 data
Datum:       Fri, 27 Mar 2020 17:56:31 +0000
Von:         Radio Northern Europe International <>

Hei Roger,

I'm glad that the changes worked much better than last broadcast and I 
thank you for your detailed decode information pages!

I've made you an eQSL for this month:

I've followed this idea into April's show however this time the notch is 
only there when it is needed!
We've also attempted to add a waterfall ID to the start and end of the show.
Lastly, our sound engineer has been working tirelessly to expand the 
frequency response of the transmitter so that should help a lot too! I 
hope you get the chance to tune into Aprils show!

Wishing you the best health and happiness over this period,
Radio Northern Europe International


Mittlerweile ist auch ihre Show #2  online:

relevante Report-Seite dazu wäre:

Einen "Soundcheck" von RNEI gab es am 19.03.2020 mit  6 
unterschiedlichen Stufen von Soundprozessing in 6 sich wiederholenden 
(falls das jemand mitbekommen hatte und dachte: "da hängt die 
Platte"........   ;-)
Der Frequenzgang war wesentlich besser und klangvoller als die vorherige 
Sendung von "Alt Universe Top 40".
