[A-DX] Sendungen in digitalen Modi

Fr Mär 25 20:58:52 CET 2016

Am 24.03.2016 um 23:05 schrieb Frank Kreuzinger:
> Seit einigen Wochen sendet Channel 292 ein Radiogramme von DigiDX in 
> digitalen Modi, seit 2 Wochen via Radio Miami International und ab 
> morgen via Radio 700. 

Zu DIGIDX und seinen Übertragungen von binären MIDI,  bzw. als Erklärung 
wieso dafür extra einen MIDI  ==>  MP3 - Online-Konverter:

"...Hi Roger,
Thanks for including DigiDX on your VOA Radiogram archive, hopefully the 
programme will be as long running as VOA Radiogram is so far.
However I have noticed you have a HEX file of the MP3 file displayed 
which is why you have the Lame/MP3 headers. By using 
http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp to save your 
Base64 decode as a MIDI file you should get the file with the MIDI 
headers and file format (file attached).
The MP3 converter was something I created after an initial MIDI file 
test on Channel 292 where I found a few people had perfect Base64 
decodes but couldn't open the file. It appears that VLC, Windows Media 
Player and iTunes are no longer able to play MIDI files. WinAMP can play 
them but it seems to have limited availability since the sale by AOL. 
The MP3 decoder is just to help people who cannot play the Midi file any 
other way.
Thanks again for your interest in DigiDX

Probleme beim Öffnen von MIDI/*.mid   unter Windows 10 - wirklich ??

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