[A-DX] Adygeyskoye Radio 6000 kHz

Wolfgang Bueschel
Mo Mär 2 20:04:31 CET 2020

re Adygey Radio

Der beste Kenner über DX und Sendungen aus GTRK Adigey via Krasnodar bc
center ist Rumen Pankov aus Bulgarien, der hört die Stationen aus dem
Kaukasus schon seit 45 Jahren.

Er ist ein Urgestein der DX Szene, er sass auch mal einige Jahre eingesperrt
wegen westlichen und russischen DX Kontakten auf der Gefängnis-Insel in der
Donau zwischen Bulgarien und Rumänien.

Wer ihn kontaktieren will, er ist deutsch-affin, seine Tochter hat in Köln
Rumen Pankov
Box 199
BG-1000 Sofia-C

Rumen Pankov_BUL <>

Auch in der Saison A-20 ab 30. März wirde Adigey wieder 6000 kHz nutzen,
der Privatsender Sofia Kostinbrod hat auch 6000 kHz registriert,
mal sehen ob letzterer Request nur ein wooden-entry ist.

6000 1500 2359 28,27 SOF  25 306  0 885 1234567 290320 251020 Eng BUL NEW
SPC 2221
6000 1800 2000 29    ARM 100 188  0 218 1234567 290320 241020 Ady RUS RRS
GFC 1135

Archive aus 1999, 2004 und 2011

ex 7325, nunmehr 6000 kHz nicht Kaukasus, sondern Richtung Naher Osten:

ADYGHEY: 71,000 in Turkey; 25,000 in Syria; 44,280 in Jordan;
8,000 in Iraq, 3,000 in Israel.
KABARDINO: 202,000 in Turkey.

Daher gehoeren zu diesen speziellen Diensten auf 7325 kHz auch lokal
produzierte Programme auf Arabisch und Tuerkisch (weil halt viele dieser
Personen ihre alte Sprache kaum mehr verstehen).
(Bernd Trutenau-LTU, BC-DX Apr 21, 2004)

RUSSIA   7325  at 1702 OT on 16 Sept, Adygey Radio, announced [without the
http] <http://www.adigey.ru> sign-off 1800 UT, vernacular, SIO 555.
(Rumen Pankov-BUL, HF logbook, Oct BrDXC-UK Communication magazine via
dxld, Oct 2011)

Website is unfound. Did they spell it that way in Roman? Try Adygey
instead and get a site about "car parts: tips and secrets"!
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld, Oct 2011)

This Website is working well
with lots of convenient access to MP3 audio files on the SW broadcasts

All programmes are in 3-language presentation of Adygey, Turkish, Arabic.
Consistently targeted towards Circassian minority groups in Near East,
which speak accordingly their home country Arabic or Turkish, in addition
to Adygey language.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 12, 2011)

73 wb

About company The State Television and Radio Company of the Republic of
Adygea is a branch of the country's largest media holding, the All-Russian
State Television and Radio Company. On April 10, 1992 the State Television
and Radio Broadcasting Company of the Republic of Armenia was transformed
from the Adygei Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting. Regular
broadcasting of republican television began on March 6, 1993.

Today, the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Adygea”
broadcasts on the TV channels “Russia 1”, “Russia 24”, and the radio
channels “Radio Russia” and “Mayak”. For compatriots living abroad
established broadcasting. Radio programs sound in Adyghe, Turkish and

Our business card and priority of our own broadcasting is news.

The information service of television and radio works in the information
environment of the cities and regions of Adygea to go on air and television
with the latest and current news. Every day on the channel "Russia 1" 8 news
releases are broadcast on television, in two state languages ​​- Russian and
Adyghe. In the morning, afternoon and evening broadcasts, we talk about the
significant events of the day, prepare stories on the most pressing
problems. Another information resource is the  all-Russian round-the-clock
channel "Russia - 24".

Every day from 22 to 23 hours - only the latest news, competent comments,
discussion of urgent and relevant topics of the day, special reports.

A large selection of thematic programs is traditionally presented on our
air. Every day we offer viewers programs on the economic, political, social,
cultural and sports life of the region. Many topics are prompted by
residents of the Republic.

We are ready to listen, provide assistance and support!

Multi-series television projects were filmed by journalists and operators of
the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of the Republic of
Armenia abroad, in the countries of Adygs' compact residence.
Today in the television archive there are broadcasts prepared in Turkey,
Jordan, Israel, Germany, France, Austria, Egypt.

The company has a professional and ambitious team. Journalists of the State
Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Adygea” were repeatedly awarded
thanks to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company,
legislative and executive bodies of Adygea, many public organizations, and
became laureates and prize-winners of federal and regional contests and

Источник: http://www.adygtv.ru/gtrk/history/
© ГТРК Адыгея

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2020 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [A-DX] Adygeyskoye Radio 6000 kHz

> Die Republik Adygeja grenzt mit ihrem nordwestlichen Zipfel direkt an
> Kranodar und ist von der Stadt nur durch den Kuban getrennt. Im Stadtbild
> von Krasnodar waren zumindest 2016 keine Autos aus der Republik Adygeja zu
> sehen, man lebt wohl eher nebeneinander her.
> 73, > Norbert
> PS: Hat übrigens in jüngerer Zeit mal jemand eine QSL für das adygejische
> Radio erhalten?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Norbert Reiner
> Drosselsangweg 6
> 76131 Karlsruhe
> -----Original-Nachricht-----
> Betreff: Re: [A-DX] Adygeyskoye Radio 6000 kHz
> Datum: 2020-03-02T07:52:44+0100
> Von: "Patrick Robic"
> Am 02.03.2020 um 07:07 schrieb adxb suess:
>> Nach dem RTI-französisch Test gestern abend um 1900-1930 auf 6005 kHz
>> entdeckte ich den dahinterliegenden russischen Sender, aber auf 6000 kHz.
>> Ist das ein privater Sender oder von der Bezirksverwaltung Krasnodar?
> Das ist der staatliche Sender der Republik Adygeja, der auf KW die
> Anlagen des Sendezentrums Krasnodar nutzt.
> 73, Patrick