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[A-DX] new EMWG

Dear all,

As you know I am currently compiling the new EMWG, with the help of
James Niven and his AMWG information.

As you also know, the printed EMWG contains a chapter devoted to
favourite MW or LW programmes.
Maybe, just maybe, you are using this chapter and have you added one
or more of your personal favourite programmes. If all this is the
case, would you please send me the information so it can also benefit
other EMWG users?

If I get sufficient entries, I may also put the information on the
EMWG web site.

Regarding this web site, it will be shortly completely refurbished,
with a new layout and look. Should you have any suggestion or extra
information, please don't hesitate to send it either via this list or

If all goes well, the new EMWG should be online before 25 December,
probably some time next week.

Looking forward to all your contributions!

- Herman -

P.S. Thanks to all those who have already sent in information!




Yaesu FRG7                    
Sony ICF-SW7600GR          

1/2 wave dipole    
20 meter QUAD  

Your Site for Swiss Maps: http://www.swissinfo-geo.org/

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