[A-DX] RNEI#14 via WRMI 2021-02-04 0100-0200z 5850 kHz DRM QAM4 & MFSK-64
RogerSamstag, 06. Februar 2021, 11:03 Uhr
Collage: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hcme8roxs7d6adz/2021-02-04_WRNEI14_5850kHz_QAM4_MFSK64.png?dl=0 Meine Nachfrage (in der HF-Zone an Daz) zum Hintergrundmuster in der HTML: jollyroger09.01.2021 Aha, now looks like an integrated fractal generator, a pattern from the world of mathematical functions. :wink: Daz09.01.2021 sinewaves actually :slight_smile: arty sinewaves but yes they are mathematical Math.sin(freq*(i + phase)) * amp + yoffset; Info aus dem HTML source-code:Bonus:
This background looks different for each user, depending on:
* Browser User Agent string (browser core, OS, language)
* Visible Window size
Das wellenartige Hintergrundmuster basiert auf einer mathematischen Sinus-Funktion und wird auf jedem Computer individuell gerendert. The wave-like background pattern is based on a mathematical sine function and is rendered individually on each computer. dekodierte *.7z [HTML] http://www.rhci-online.net/html/RNEI14-Playlist.html roger