Re: [A-DX] Sweden: Radio Nord Revival 7 & 8 March on 49mb

Sonntag, 07. März 2021, 12:39 Uhr

Am 07.03.2021 um 12:20 schrieb Zacharias Liangas via [WOR]:
> Sudden restart on 1115 va a kiwi  in Kaustinen   with S7 with old of 
> 60 s He is suffering with BPS in the band
> Also on SM2GT with S10/6QRN  or -70/92 dbm 

Weak S5 signal in Central Germany at 6200 kHz, more likely 1 kW.
Broadcast not the same // as the web stream.
foF2 in Northern Germany 4.5 MHz, i.e. a skip zone of at least 500 km 
and certainly hardly any reception in Sweden itself.
