Re: [A-DX] Confirmation about special emission of Radio Andorra

Samstag, 17. April 2021, 19:18 Uhr

Am 17.04.2021 um 16:32 schrieb Dario Gabrielli:
> Yesterday I sent to SWR the reception report in Mp3 of special emission of April 12th to have a QSL of confirmation, but unfortunatelly I received the following answer.

Penso che il criterio principale per ottenere una QSL in questo caso 
particolare non sia solo di natura tecnica.
Devi mostrare all'organizzatore del programma che hai ascoltato il 
contenuto del programma per un periodo di tempo ragionevole, non solo 
per 2 minuti.

I think the main criterion for obtaining a QSL in this particular case 
is not only of a technical nature.
You must show the program organizer that you have listened to the 
program content for a reasonable amount of time, not just 2 minutes.

Ich denke, das Hauptkriterium für die Erlangung einer QSL in diesem 
speziellen Fall ist nicht nur technischer Natur.
Sie müssen dem Programmorganisator zeigen, dass Sie dem Programminhalt 
für einen angemessenen Zeitraum und nicht nur für 2 Minuten zugehört haben.

Cordiali saluti