[A-DX] "help-raadiyoonii-dirree-shaggar"

Samstag, 07. August 2021, 17:22 Uhr


"....Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing on behalf of Raadiyoonii Dirree Shaggar (RDS), an affiliate 
of Oromia Public Media (OPM), to solicit fund for this newly established 
media outlet destined to reach an audience of tens of millions in 
primarily rural Oromia and in the broader Horn of Africa Region with 
barely any media exposure.  RDS, as a short-wave radio, with its rich 
programs and deep penetration across Oromia, is geared to informing and 
educating the Oromo public on a broad range of subjects. With this 
grandiose role, RDS is now rendering an outstanding service that 
enormously impacts on the political and socio-economic life of the 
people of Oromia. I am confident that you appreciate this cause..."

Raadiyooniin Dirree Shaggar, damee raadiyoonii 'Oromiyaa Pablik 
Miidiyaa' (Oromia Public Media - OPM) yoo tahu,
Caamsaa 31, 2021 kaasee galgala yeroo hundumaa sa'aatii 1:00 hanga 1:30 
daqiiqa soddomaaf oduuwwan waqtawoo fi sagantaawwan Oromiyaa fi Gaanfa 
Afrikaa ilaallatan:-
1. Dambalii Gabaabaa Meetirbaandii 19 Kiilooheerzii 15415 irrattiifi
2. https://youtube.com/channel/UCEYFP5mY40sRHaO3G0nefrQ irratti
tamsaasurratti jira. Miidiyaa keessan miidiyaa walabaa, Sagalee Ummata 
Oromoo, itti dhiyaadha, itti hirmaadha, yaada (deeggarsaaf qeeqa ijaaraa 
ta'e) kennadhaa.
Har'a Galgala Sa'aa 1:00-1:30'tti - Oduu fi Hubannoo Beektotaa hordofuu 
hin dagatinaa!
Raadiyoonii Dirree Shaggar
Sagalee Ummata Oromoo!

FACEBOOK bietet (im Gegensatz zum Google Translator) rudimentäre 
Übersetzung aus der Oromo-Sprache an)
Dire Shagar Radio, die Niederlassung von Oromia Publikum Media (Oromia 
Public Media - OPM),
ab dem 31 Mai 2021 jeden Abend von 1:00 bis 1:30 Minuten für angstvolle 
Nachrichten und Programme von Oromia und wenn sie sich ansehen Afrika :-
1. auf Kurzwelle 19 Metroband und 15415 khz
2. auf https://youtube.com/channel/UCEYFP5mY40sRHaO3G0nefrQ
Es ist im Live-Stream. Gebt euren Medien Freiheit, Stimme der 
Oromo-Leute, kommt nah dran, macht mit, kommentiert (konstruktive Kritik).
Heute Abend um 1:00-1:30 Uhr - vergesst nicht, die Nachrichten und 
Expertenbewusstsein zu verfolgen!
Raadiyoonii Dirree Shaggar
Die Stimme der Oromo-Leute!

Shaggar = Addis Abeba = Finfinne

Oromia Public Relations Office
📍 We are Oromos from Oromia!
📍 Oromos are the largest ethnic group in the Horn of Africa
📍 Oromia is a colonized country and we will decolonize Oromia
📍 Finfinne is the capital of Oromia
📍 Afaan Oromo is our language
📍 Qubee is our literature
📍 #Oromummaa is our cultural bond and identity
📍  Gada is our traditional and democratic system of governance
✊ #WBO/OLA is our legitimate national defense army
📍  #OLF and #OFC are our political organizations
📍  We have a rich and diverse cultural heritage and religions
📍  We will restore what we have lost!
✊Yes, we can!


