[A-DX] #IR Rádio Nacional da Amazônia ||| Dia Nacional do Rádio ||| 25 de setembro
RogerSamstag, 25. September 2021, 15:18 Uhr
Wieder ein Streamwechsel, neuer HLS funktioniert aber auch wieder auf dem DUAL MCR 200: Another stream link change, but the new HLS also works again on the DUAL MCR 200: https://radio2.lflr.com.br/ebc-live/radio-nacional-amazonia/chunks.m3u8 Portal: https://radios.ebc.com.br/aovivo?emissora=radio-nacional-da-amazonia Zufällig gesehen: Seen by chance: https://radios.ebc.com.br/radionacional https://radios.ebc.com.br/tarde-nacional/2021/09/tarde-nacional-celebra-o-dia-do-radio-em-entrevistas-especiais automatic translation: "..September 25 is National Radio Day. The date recalls the birth of Edgar Roquette Pinto, considered the father of radio broadcasting and who carried out the first radio broadcast in the country, on September 7, 1922. Since then, the vehicle has demonstrated its strength in different ways. The communication professor at the University of Brasília Cristiane Parente de Sá Barreto tells Tarde Nacional about the particularities of this means of communication so present in the life of Brazilians. Cristiane commented on the study Inside Radio 2021, by Kantar IBOPE Media, which indicated an increase in radio consumption in the country. According to the survey, 80% of Brazilians, in the 13 metropolitan areas surveyed, listen to the radio – an increase of 2 percentage points over the previous year. "Radio is more democratic and popular and has always reached the population faster", explained the teacher. In addition, the program received Flávio Lara Resende, president of the Brazilian Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters (Abert). He talked about the fact that radio has survived in current times.‘’ Radio has been getting stronger, reinvented itself and, even in times of digital media, it continues to grow, he commented. According to the survey presented by him, Brazilians prefer to use regular radio (80%), but cell phone consumption increased compared to last year: from 23% to 25% in 2021. At home (71%), in the car (24%), during commutes (8%) and at work (2%) are the places mentioned for the consumption of the medium." https://radios.ebc.com.br/nacionalamazonia 25 de setembro Viva Maria comemora Dia Nacional do Rádio https://radios.ebc.com.br/viva-maria/2021/09/viva-maria-comemora-dia-nacional-do-radio-junto-radio-mec-rio-pioneira-no-brasil Viva Maria celebrates National Radio Day with Rádio MEC Rio, pioneer in Brazil Follow in this edition a chat with Thiago Rigotto, manager of MEC Rio, about the trajectory of the first Brazilian radio station, on air since 1923. Long live Mary In the AR on 09/24/2021 - 10:20 am Our radio woman is celebrating since this September 25th is National Radio Day! The date is a fair tribute to the patron of radio in Brazil. Viva Roquete Pinto, the man who back in 1923 dreamed of radio as a school for those who did not have access to it. His boldness made him see that this vehicle would be capable of taking news, information and reflections to the ends of Brazil, which, in some way, could contribute to the process of citizen awareness of the Brazilian population. His desire and persistence in allowing everyone access to an accessible form of education translate today into the mission of public radios in our country, increasingly united by democratic and plural communication, as is the case of our Radio MEC in Rio de Janeiro . And so that we can revere the courage and daring of Roquete Pinto, Viva Maria brings in this edition the participation of Rádio MEC manager Thiago Rigotto, who has the privilege of working in the building that housed the first radio station in Brazil, Rádio Sociedade from Rio de Janeiro. Follow the chat in the player below: https://audios.ebc.com.br/5d/5dd52965996080c56f4be52d256a9ef1.mp3 Tags: Dia Nacional Rádio MEC Rio viva maria ano 40 viva maria 40 anos electromagnetic feedback: https://youtu.be/kPrWzsrpHis [Theremin] roger