[A-DX] blog.radioreporter.org
RogerSamstag, 16. Oktober 2021, 12:56 Uhr
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): Re: [A-DX] blog.radioreporter.org
https://blog.radioreporter.org/brazil-radios-cut-power-by-30-due-to-crisis Brazil’s Ministério das Comunicações (Ministry of Communications) has accepted a request from the Abert broadcasters’ association to be able to reduce broadcasting power during peak viewing hours to reduce cost The economic crisis triggered by the pandemic (over 600,000 people have died in the South American country) has brought many broadcasters to their knees, and they have asked to reduce their transmission power in order to cut operating costs. So the Ministry of Communications has allowed radio and TV broadcasters to reduce their authorised watts by up to 30% for six months, at times when the audience is less busy. The president of the Brazilian Association of Broadcasters (Abert), Flávio Lara Resende, was satisfied and said ‘by accepting the sector’s request, the Mcom is showing itself sensitive to the moment of a financial crisis that the private sector is going through, driven by the coronavirus pandemic‘. https://blog.radioreporter.org/germany-bye-bye-manual-tuning-the-car-radio-decides Markus Weidner, an editor since 1999 of the telecommunications site teltarif.de, has published on his blog a report on the new car radios on display at the IAA Mobility in Munich, the fair that replaces the biennial Frankfurt Motor Show, overwhelmed (like the Geneva Motor Show) by the pandemic. According to Markus, after having integrated the car radio more and more into the car (making it difficult to replace with third-party products), car manufacturers are now limiting its functionality. In the most recent models, the receivers offer a list that integrates FM and DAB stations, updated in the background. The function is useful because it avoids searching and memorizing the station, which can be recalled (more and more often) with a voice command. Such an organized list is convenient for those who listen to the most powerful radio stations, but it limits the choice: if the signal is not strong enough or slightly interfered, or without RDS (in FM there are still some) it is completely ignored. Weidner suggests an expert mode that enables the old manual tuning in FM and DAB. Otherwise, this “rationalization”, prevents you from freely choosing the radio of your heart. Quelle: https://www.smartphonefan.de/2021/09/13/so-entmuendigt-die-autoindustrie-die-radiohoerer/ https://www.teltarif.de/autoradio-frequenzabstimmung-probleme/news/85708.html Da bin ich nicht ganz seiner Meinung. Meiner Erfahrung nach werden auch schon MUXE eingelesen, die an der "Zumutbarkeits-Grenze" für normale Hörer liegen. Für den normalen Autoradio-Nutzer ist der Komfort gestiegen. - keine Frequenzen oder gar Kanäle der MUXE merken müssen - automatischer SCAN im Hintergrund durch Zweit-Tuner - automatischer Rückfall auf das gleiche Programm im UKW-Bereich, falls DAB+ Versorgungslücken Ich sehe hier keine Gefahr einer "Entmündigung" der Autoradio-Nutzer, eher die der "Überforderung", falls es diese Automatismen nicht geben würde. Mich nerven eher "Spurassistenten", die nach jeder "Zündung aus/an" aktiv sind..... roger
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): Re: [A-DX] blog.radioreporter.org