[A-DX] Introducing SDRconnect - SDRplay Hamvention 2022 demo
Roger ThauerSamstag, 21. Mai 2022, 17:34 Uhr
https://youtu.be/jTB7QD5SN-E "...."SDRconnect” is the new name for the multiplatform version of SDRuno (up till now we called it SDRuno V2) We are demonstrating the completely rewritten Core DSP engine for Spectrum and Waterfall displays – with the prototype software running on a Mac M1 computer. We also show the networking capability by remotely accessing an RSP based in the UK." SDRplay plans to release the first version of SDRconnect before the end of 2022...." - Plattform für verschiedene Betriebssysteme! x86 / ARM / MacOS / LINUX / WINDOWS / Android - SDR Play Konnektivität über LAN & Internet! roger