[A-DX] SWRG#315 -preview-
Roger ThauerFreitag, 28. Juli 2023, 00:29 Uhr
Welcome to program 315 of Shortwave Radiogram. I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Arlington, Virginia USA. Here is the lineup for today's program, in MFSK modes as noted: 1:42 MFSK32: Program preview (now) 2:49 MFSK32: VOA will move from its historic HQ* 8:34 MFSK64: VOA will move from its HQ (continued) 13:14 MFSK64: This week's images* 27:35 MFSK32: Closing announcements * with image(s) Please send reception reports to radiogram@... And visit http://swradiogram.net We're on Twitter (X) now: @... I write a monthly column for the North American Shortwave Association -- naswa.net. Usually these columns are available only to NASWA members, but the August 2023 column is hereby also provided to Shortwave Radiogram listeners who decode it ... VOA will move out of its historic HQ ........... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==> Thursday 2330-2400 UTC 9265 kHz via WINB Pennsylvania roger