[A-DX] The Asphalt Telegraph will be back on 1494

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Freitag, 08. Dezember 2023, 09:21 Uhr


  gerade  gelesen  :The Asphalt Telegraph will be  back . 
Asfaltstelegrafen 1494.  Die Station war schon früher mal on the air auf 
1476, mit Morsezeiechen oder Testtöne( kann auch sein das ich das mit 
Kinna1512 verwechsele) - Das Alter eben😀)

73 ABo

Hello! In the midst of all the closure hysteria on mediumwave, we invest 
here in Sweden!! Since our national broadcaster had stopped broadcasting 
13 years ago, we think it’s time to invest again!

We have purchased a brand new 1 kW AM transmitter that is tuned to 1494 
kHz. Unfortunately, we have not received a permanent license, which is 
completely incomprehensible, but we have in any case received a 14-day 
license from *December 23, 2023 to January 5, 2024 on 1494 kHz* again. 
The station has moved within the country, so now the reception may be a 
little worse to the south, but still better north and east in Finland 
instead. Unfortunately, we will not be on air every day, we at the 
station have a regular job to attend to.

All listener mail is welcome at the following email: 1494khz@...
Torleif, Asfalttelegrafen, Ludvika