[A-DX] WG: [] New private SW station in Finland

Paul Gager via groups.io
Montag, 01. Juli 2024, 15:56 Uhr

6120 kHz/
nexte Testsendungen von Radio Blacksmith Knoll sind vom 1.-3.July2024 tagsüber / abends  geplant.

Am 30.6. 21UTC konnte ick nix hören.


----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -----
Von: Mike Terry >
Datum: 01.07.2024 12:33
Betreff: [bdxc-news] New private SW station in Finland

The new licensed short wave station Radio Blacksmith Knoll is testing on 6120 kHz from Pori, West Coast of Finland. The first test transmission took place on June 30, 2024 at 21 UTC (corresponding to the Finnish midnight of July 1st). The licensed power is 25 watts which goes to the 43-meter-long dipole antenna from a transceiver

The license is valid from July 1st to August 6th.

The station announces next transmission for July 1-3 to be:

> Random test transmissions during the days and evenings. Fine tuning of the
> system and preparing studio for more controlled schedule.

> This goes as long as needed to verify the workings of both the studio and
> the TX. Several different methods, test tones, music and other audio will
> be used, some of them very odd ones!

Radio Blacksmith Knoll is the fourth Finnish private SW station. The others are:
Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat since 2000
Realmix Radio, Raasepori since March 2024
Radio Piko, Asikkala since May 2024

Source and more information: https://blacksmith-knoll.blogspot.com/
