[A-DX] KBC Radiogram / DX Headlines / 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Le Muy
Roger ThauerSamstag, 03. August 2024, 15:31 Uhr
RSID: <<2024-08-02T11:52Z 4xPSK125R @ 15770000+0514>> August 15th to August 18th a group of ham radio operators from my home town Amersfoort, several of them I know personally will operate a special event station, call sign TM80LM to commemorate probably one of the lesser known operations at the end of WW2, which will be 80 years ago on August 16th. The liberation of the French town of Le Muy in the VAR departent in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region in southeastern France. Which is some 10 miles from the mediteranean coast. Original plan 1944 was to execute the operation together with the allied landing at Normandy in June, but due to a lack of resources it was postponed more than 2 months. 5 years ago the same six amateurs were also present having a succesful event as TM75LM. TM80LM will be active from the “Musée de la Libération du Muy" (Liberation museum of Le Muy). They will be able to operate from 60 meters to 10 meters, including WARC bands, with several transceivers and 3 amplifiers, in additon to that they have a 5 elements yagi for six meters and an eight elemens yagi for 2 meters in addition to a QO-100 station with a dish and helix antenne. QTH locator is JN33GL. CQ ZONE 14, ITU ZONE 27. Operators will be: Hans (PA2JWN), Maarten (PA3EYC), Tijmen (PA3GRM), Frans (PC2F), Peter (PC3M) en Peter (PE0PSL) de k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (John Piek, PA0ETE, aka "Peter John" in "DX Headlines") https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gnwboon9gmyyx6vbr94ga/2024-08-02_15770kHz_KBC-data.png?rlkey=uee6ofam1muxnh87gw5gv7n04&dl=0 https://www.qrz.com/db/TM80LM https://dxnews.com/forum/forum/special-event-stations/57159-tm80lm-le-muy https://www.veron.nl/nieuws/special-event-station-tm80lm-actief-van-15-t-m-18-augustus-2024/ roger