Re: [A-DX] Funny transmission of ...;"V Moscow " in Russian
Roger ThauerSonntag, 03. November 2024, 08:12 Uhr
Am 02.11.2024 um 21:06 schrieb Roger [WOR]: > - Radio Room. Pages of Power Radio history - > yesterday at 5:22 pm > On November 2, 2024 we will listen to a program-requiem on the 95th > anniversary of foreign broadcasting. Let's remember how it was, how > the Voice of Russia faded and listen to the call signs from the past. > From the past, when foreign broadcasting, and powerful radio > broadcasting was with a capital letter. The session uses recycled > materials from past broadcasts on this topic. > 19.05 MSK > 11535 kHz {Noratus, tent.} > Direction: Europe > Listen from 19.00 (transmitter preparation) > For feedback: > TG @..._radio > Email andrey_hamradio@... > Best wishes for a successful radio reception > > > Андрей Молоков. Россия. Ленинградская область Ностальгический эфир на 11535 кГц к 95-ти летию иновещания . Arzamas2010 851 Abonnenten 99 Aufrufe 02.11.2024 АРЗАМАС Проект - Радиорубка. Страницы истории Мощного Радио - 02.11.24 16:20-17:20 UTC Норатус, Армения 300 кВт Приём в городе Арзамас в условиях городской квартиры Радиоприемник TEF 6686 Антенна - провод ~ 5 метров Nostalgiesendung auf 11535 kHz zum 95. Jahrestag des Auslandsrundfunks . Arzamas2010 851 Abonnenten 99 Aufrufe 02.11.2024 ARZAMAS Projekt - Radiorubka. Seiten der Geschichte von Powerful Radio - 02.11.24 16:20-17:20 UTC Noratus, Armenien 300 kW Empfang in der Stadt Arzamas unter den Bedingungen einer Stadtwohnung Funkempfänger TEF 6686 Antenne - Draht ~ 5 Meter gesamte Sendung ~1h roger