[A-DX] Empfang CHU auf 14670 kHz
Friedrich-Walter Adam via groups.ioMontag, 03. Februar 2025, 17:59 Uhr
Gerade kam eine eMaile von CHU: Hello Fritz-Walter, Thank you for your interest in the NRC time signal radio station (CHU). For more information about our time services please see https://nrc.canada.ca/en/certifications-evaluations-standards/canadas-official-time/nrc-shortwave-station-broadcasts-chu Your QSL card is on the way. Regards, Wojciech Pakulski Technical Officer, Metrology National Research Council Canada / Government of Canada Wojciech.Pakulski@.../ Tel: 613-993-5186 / TTY: 613-949-3042 Dann warte ich mal ab. 73 F-W