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Re: [A-DX] 702 kHz-Brother Stair

Hier die Lösung aus DXLD:

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Last night (Monday 27 September) turning around the medium wave band I was most surprised to come across the unmistakable voice of Brother Stair on 702 kHz at 2155 UT. His closing announcement at 2158 made it clear that this was a test transmission of the Overcomer Radio Broadcast via Monte Carlo. Bro Stair didn't say if it was just a one-off transmission or if there will be further tests, but said that "if its the Lord's will we will make a decision very soon [whether] to continue broadcasting on Monte Carlo Radio 702 on your AM dial". There was also a brief announcement in German. In closing he mentioned there were "five or six hours" of afternoon broadcasts on 6110 kHz tomorrow [ie today]. Reception was very good here with slight background interference from a co-channel German station. 73s (Dave Kenny, BDXC-UK via DXLD)

Rudolf Sonntag, 82205 Gilching, Germany

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