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Re: [A-DX] Sri Lanka 9770

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Sri Lanka 9770
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:41:59 +0200

> Hallo Hobbykollegen,
> Zur Zeit zu hören ist Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation auf 9770 kHz. Nach
> den englischsprachigen Nachrichten um 15:00 UTC läuft jetzt romantische
> englischsprachige Schlagermusik. Die Frequenz ist QRM-frei, und ohne großen
> Aufwand dürfte O=4 zu erreichen sein.

Danke Günter für den Hinweis, die SLBC war auch heute ausgezeichnet bis zum
Sendeschluss um 15.35 UT hier in Salzburg zu hören.

Dazu passend der Hinweis auf die Einstellung des Inlands-Relais der SLBC,
die Info ist der ersten Quelle für Asien-DXer entnommen:


On Sep 22, the order went from the Director General of Engineering at SLBC
to the Ekala SW xmtng stn to stop all domestic SW xmsns due to the high cost
of electricity.  Xmtrs were turned off Sep 22.  With it a long journey of
domestic SW has come to and end.  MW ceased last year.  However, the SLBC
still runs its SW svc for its external svcs.  The SLBC has a very effective
FM coverage.  The terrain of the country is tailor made for VHF and TV
coverage, with the highest mountain in Sri Lanka, Mt. Pidurutalagala, 8281
ft. (2524 m.) and highlands situated in the centre of the country.  The
Central Highlands consists of a series of mountain peaks which, almost
without exception, have one or more VHF/UHF and microvave links.  However,
we are making representations to the SLBC to restore at least a domestic svc
relay for Sri Lankans working in the Maldive Islands and in neighbouring
countries where Internet radio will still be prohibitive.

73 Christoph


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