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Re: [A-DX] Morgen mal wieder EMR via Lettland

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Morgen mal wieder EMR via Lettland
  • From: Name gelöscht <name.geloescht@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 21:52:55 +0200

Moin Moin,

> European Music Radio wird sein Programm am morgigen Samstag, dem 25.
> September, wieder via Lettland auf 9290 kHz ausstrahlen.

Interessanter ist, daß Radio Nord seit heute aus Lettland sendet. 945
kHz, 2,7 kW. Dies postete Bernd Trutenau am 21.9. in der Yahoogruppe

The long announced start of the local station in Riga on 945 kHz is
going to take place on 24 September at 0900 UTC, with a test run until
26 September 2100 UTC. The start was delayed by the certification
procedures for the 2.7 kW BLYTH transmitter. The name of the station
was finally settled at "Radio Nord". Radio Nord will broadcast in
Latvian with an oldie-orientated format and will be on the air 24h
from 1 October. Owner of the station is KREBS TV, the station's
contact address: c/o KREBS TV, P.O.Box 371, LV-1010 Riga, Latvia.
Email: tesug @ parks.lv

Also in October, KREBS TV is planning to conduct test transmissions on
576 kHz from Kuldiga in western Latvia with 100kW. This frequeny will
be made available for leasing to external customers.


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