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[A-DX] Noch mehr AFU mit AM

  • Subject: [A-DX] Noch mehr AFU mit AM
  • From: "Thomas M. Rösner" <dl8aam@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 20:16:16 +0100


hier noch eine Ankündigung für eine AFU Sonderstation
in AM.

73, Tom

>-----Original Message-----
>Subject: [WUN] Re: 40m raucous noise + info on 40m historical TX


>btw guys on 25th/26th on 7042.0AM from 0800UTC,every 30min will again 
>transmit the replica of "Blyskawica" (Thunder) broadcast station with 
>copies of historical messages from the Warsaw Uprising (1944)- 
>Have an ear. All SWL reports can be send to SP5PPK via the bureau.
>This replica was  occasionally active since 01-aug-2004.
>Just to remind u,an original station txed from Warsaw for almost all the
>time of the Uprising. Transmitting news,mil comms, entertainment. Just 
>imagine that They managed to build it in an occupied country.
>It's 1st tx during the Uprising took place on the 08-08-1944, the last
>Maciej Muszalski
>WUN mailing list
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