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[A-DX] Nordkoreanische Zentrale Rundfunkstation feierte 60. Geburtstag

  • Subject: [A-DX] Nordkoreanische Zentrale Rundfunkstation feierte 60. Geburtstag
  • From: Arnulf Piontek <dx@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:00:33 +0200

Hallo, liebe A-DXler und andere Kurzwellenenthusiasten!

Die nordkoreanische Zentrale Rundfunkstation (Korean Central Broadcasting Station - KCBS), Pyongyang, feierte jüngst den 60. Jahrestag ihres Bestehens. Folgende englischsprachige Meldung veröffentlichte aus diesem Anlaß die nordkoreanische Nachrichtenagentur KCNA unter


Ich bin schon auf die angesprochene Modernisierung gespannt...

Beste '73 und allzeit gut DX wünscht allen

OM Arnulf Piontek


Empfänger: GRUNDIG Satellit 600

Antenne: Teleskopantenne

Anniversary of Korean Central Broadcasting Station Marked

Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central Broadcasting Station observed the 60th anniversary of its foundation. It has successfully discharged its honorable revolutionary duty of broadcasting the voices of the Workers' Party of Korea at home and abroad over the last 60 years since it broadcast for the first time the historic speech made by President Kim Il Sung on his triumphant return home on Oct. 14, Juche 34(1945). The workers, technicians and officials of the broadcasting station, cherishing the great honor and responsibility of ensuring the ideological work of the Party, have laid the firm material and technical foundation of broadcasting and normalized broadcasting operation with their good management of equipment and techniques, thus making positive contributions to stepping up the revolution and construction and enhancing the external prestige of the country.
    A meeting took place on Oct. 14.
In a congratulatory message to the workers, technicians and officials of the Korean Central Broadcasting Station the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea highly appraised them for ensuring the broadcasting information work of the Party in a responsible manner with their intense loyalty and patriotic devotion to the Party and the leader. The meeting laid stress on the issues of establishing the scientific management system of the broadcasting equipment, accelerating modernization, effecting a new turn in the broadcasting operation to give fuller play to the might of the Juche broadcasting and thus positively contribute to making the voices of the Party resound worldwide.

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