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Fw: [A-DX] 4790 kHz ?

  • Subject: Fw: [A-DX] 4790 kHz ?
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel_web" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 19:12:00 +0200

Bezüglich der Ramadan Sondersendungen auf 4790 kHz bis 1927 UT, habe ich
Noel Green in Blackpoll kontaktiert. Er ist seit Jahrzehnten Monitor von R
Pakistan in Europa.

Hier seine Antwort. Rewat = ist das Islamabad Hauptsendezentrum, und es wird
der Sender
API-8 mit 100 kW eingesetzt.
73 wb

Anyway, to answer your question - I don't have any new details about an
extended schedule on PAK 4790. But my guess - like yours - is that it has
something to do with Ramadan. No, I don't think it will be the Rawalpindi
10 kW unit as the 100 kW sender API-8 at Rewat should be available and
probably just staying on late.

This is the scheduled usage of API-8 100kW:
all transmissions are via 68 degrees antenna
0045-0215 & 1445-1815 on 4790 and 0900-1215 on 7265 carrying the (Rawal)
Pindi III programme.

0430-0515 Balti Service and 0530-0615 Sheena Service on 6065

Rawalpindi (10kW) operates 0230-0425 & 1335-1430 on 4790 via 68deg with
(Rawal) Pindi III programme

These transmissions are listed under REGIONAL SERVICES and the beam is
obviously towards Kashmir. Other than the Balti and Sheena services no other
languages/transmissions for API-8 are indicated.

I hope that will help readers of A-DX.

And BTW, if they can hear it, there is another service on the unusual
frequency of 6780 (44.25 metres via API-2 100kW at Rewat) at 1230-1330
called Rawalpindi Kashmiri Programme. This goes out via a Quadrant antenna
and maybe it's for listeners in Pakistan proper?

Best 73s from Noel

----- Original Message -----
From: Wolfgang Bueschel_web
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 11:10 AM
Subject: Fw: [A-DX] 4790 kHz ?

> Hi dear Noel,
> on past two nights (Oct 5th/6th) appeared observation logs on the
> Austrian-German newslistgroup A-DX:
> 4790 kHz heard til cl-down at 19.27 UT.
> Seemingly via Rawalpindi 10 kW ???
> 0230-0425 and 1335-1430 4790 Pindi III Pgm
> Do you have more news on that matter? It's only a late Ramadan
> transmission towards mountain region?
> 73 Wolfy

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