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[A-DX] Radio Slovakia International leaves shortwaves

  • Subject: [A-DX] Radio Slovakia International leaves shortwaves
  • From: "Dietmar Birkhahn" <Dietmar.Birkhahn@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 01:43:33 +0200 (MEST)

Radio Slovakia International leaves shortwaves  	  
Wednesday, July 13 2005

According to a TASR (Slovak press agency) report of 12 July 2005, Radio
International leaves shortwaves on 31 July 2005. The station will continue
international broadcasting via internet and satelite only. No details on
volume of these
broadcasts have been published yet. 84 employees of Slovak Radio will be
discharged. The
reason is a worsening financial situation of Slovak Radio. The director
general of Slovak
Radio Jaroslav Reznik blames the government for the bad financial situation
of the
station. So let us wait if the missing money will be found or not before the
end of July.
Nothing is definitive yet.

Radio Slovakia International was established soon after the split of
Czechoslovakia at the
beginning of 1993, and now broadcasts in English, French, German, Spanish,
Russian and

Karel Honzik
editor-in-chief, Radio Revue
Czechoslovak DX Club (CSDXC)


Nur zur Info...

Dietmar - http://www.wellenforum.de

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