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Re: [A-DX] 4830kHz

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] 4830kHz
  • From: "Dietmar Birkhahn" <Dietmar.Birkhahn@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 17:07:09 +0200 (MEST)

> Ist Mongolian National Radio. R Táchira ist (leider) inaktiv.

 Diese aktuelle Info aus Ecuador:

Both R. Táchira, San Cristóbal and R. Litoral, La
Ceiba are inactive but sometimes "on air", so
everything is possible!

73s and Good DX!  Bjorn. 

Sollte man also doch mal beobachten...

73 !

RX = Icom IC-R75 / Kenwood R-1000 incl. DRM
Ant= 12m Tropicalbanddipols and Preselector AT2C
QTH= 51789 Lindlar, Germany, 30km in the east of Cologne


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