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[A-DX] New "DX" program from Radio Japan

  • Subject: [A-DX] New "DX" program from Radio Japan
  • From: "walter eibl" <we@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 07:35:58 +0200

>>From April, Radio Japan plans to introduce a monthly "DX" program, known as
"DX Corner", within its English "Hello from Tokyo" feature, produced by the
Japanese SW Club, on the first Saturday, and repeated on the following
Sunday and Monday.

 The first program is planned for Apr 2, 3, and 4, covering the Winter SWL
 Fest which was held recently in Kulpsville, USA.
 Correct reception reports for the "DX Corner" segment will be acknowledged
 with the JSWC QSL, if sent directly to JSWC, PO Box 29, Sendai Central,
 989-8691, Japan. Return postage of 1 IRC or US$1 is requested.
 Reports will be acknowleded by Radio Japan with its own QSL card.
 The May program will be later, on May 14.

 Details of actual frequencies for each target area are available at

JSWC and NHK are anxious for feedback on this new program initiative!
(as to JSWC )

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