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[A-DX] FM Rainbow 11585 etc.

  • Subject: [A-DX] FM Rainbow 11585 etc.
  • From: "walter eibl" <we@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 09:30:15 +0100

> The special transmissions by AIR to Andaman & Nicobar
> Islands which started just after the earthquake and
> tsunami there has ended.
> So the broadcasts of the AIR External Services on
> 11585 & 11620 which were effected / cancelled are back
> to normal now.
> AIR Panaji,Goa:
> I just came to know that names of the 250 SW
> Transmitters of AIR Panaji are as follows:
> Transmitter 1    P1  Mandovi
> Transmitter 2    P2  Zuari
> The 6x500 kW SW tx at Bangalore are also having names
> of 6 rivers.
> 73
>                        Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
>                National Institute of Amateur Radio 
>                            www.niar.org
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