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[A-DX] Für Piraten Fans

aus HCDX

From: "radio sonar international" <radiosonar@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dear listeners,

"RADIO SONAR" is active next Saturday, 22th of July, 19:00 and 21:00 GMT on
6.265 khz (or between 6.240 and 6.280 khz).

We are presenting a two hours show with real progressive German rock music
and very nice English tracks - presented in German and English. And you will
hear what our listeners wrote to us.

The German Free Radio Station "RADIO SONAR" is transmitting with only 35
Watts -Prick up your ears!

We certify reception reports with qsl´s - mp3-files are very appreciated.

Phone in or sending text messages:
Tel: + 49 (0) 176 - 262 171 42 (during broadcast)
email: radiosonar@xxxxxxxxxx

DJ Dycke

(via HCDX) 

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Admin: Christoph Ratzer, OE2CRM  http://www.ratzer.at
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