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Re: [A-DX] AIR Gangtok, Sikkim

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] AIR Gangtok, Sikkim
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 17:58:03 +0200

Am 06.10.2007 um 17:48 schrieb Wolfgang Bueschel:

4755.24 kHz at +0800-2100+ in English. (24 hrs service ?)
QRM of CNR -1 on 4750 kHz until 1730 and from 2000 UT.
Da wäre dann der Dezember gegen 19 UT ja keine schlechte Idee...

Kam auch gerade von Dave Valko via HCDX:

MICRONESIA (POHNPEI) 4755.25 PMA "The Cross" 1002-1201, M preaching at t/in, but not quite strong enough to copy. Abt on par w/ 3235 West New Britain at this time. 1019 mx bridge then deep-voiced anncr. 1026 pleasant Pop-like mx, abt 20 sec. of deadair, then more mx. Continued w/mx sounding like live Pop, Rock ,and even Alternative (ala Greenday). 1048 short ID anmnt by young lady "Hi, this is Melinda. You are listening to Radio ?? ?? Aviation, ?? ??". I'm not 100% sure of "Radio" and "Aviation", but that's what it sounded like. Into "good news" of the Gospel pgm w/M preaching from 1049-1150. Went into more mx starting with a Punk song at 1151(!!) followed by a long soft Pop song to 1159. 1159 apparent pgm promo by M over mx. Then back to Pop/Rock mx at 1200. Poor to fair w/a lot of static noise and some quick fading. There was also a longer fade from about 1120-1135, then it picked up again. When it was peaking at around 1110, it was about 50-60% readable. QRMed by R. Educacao Rural at the start, but then in the clear, and some CODAR QRM after 1130 UTC. During the broadcast, there appeared to be numerous drops in the audio/modulation level w/out any change in strength. Maybe the engineer was adjusting the equipment. This is radio country heard #226 (at least) according to the NASWA rules. Have an e-mail report w/MP3 recording out to info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (Valko 6 Oct.)
73 Christoph


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