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[A-DX] Greece auf 6210

  • Subject: [A-DX] Greece auf 6210
  • From: Herbert Meixner <hmeixner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 17:24:37 +0200

Am SA-morgen, 29.09. um ...04.30...UTC mit guten O=3 auf 6210 zu hoeren gewesen.
Aufloesung hier darunter folgend.

Mit Gruss,



DX LISTENING DIGEST 7-017, February 8, 2007
	edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com

Glenn, ERA5 spurious: Rumen told me about that strange outlet on 6210
kHz few times before in December and January.

But today I did the usual formula calculation:

15630 minus 9420 = 6210 kHz. Maybe that spurious appears around the
transmitter in Greece and Bulgaria, around 1000 km distance? The
symmetrical spur should appear on 21840 kHz also, if the prop
condition permit it. 73 wolfy (Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hello Wolfgang, Currently (at 1450) the additional ERT sender appears
to be using 15630 - it is suffering continuous carrier 'drops' off
air. And it is not as strong as 17525. This is exactly how you
recorded it earlier this morning on 11645. Audio quality - when on air
- is better than it was. Assuming there is no ionospheric disturbance
there appears to be more fading than normal too. 17525 and 9420 are
peaking to 20dB over 9 but 15630 only to 9. And 9935 is also to 20
over 9 (with Firedrake QRM x 9930). Let us hope ERT will eventually
give us some details about this new sender. Best 73 from (Noel Green,
NW England, via Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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