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[A-DX] NL mit Anpassungen

  • Subject: [A-DX] NL mit Anpassungen
  • From: "paul gager" <aon.912332257@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:12:56 +0200

For those of you in Western Europe able to receive Dutch mediumwave
stations, a reminder that there's a special programme all day on 675 kHz
marking the anniversary of the closure of the Dutch offshore stations in
1974 (see Weblog entry for Sunday) and tomorrow is also the last day of
Radio 10 Gold on 1008 kHz, as GrootNieuws Radio starts on 1 September (see
Weblog entry for Tuesday).

I haven't had time to write a media story for the website this week, but I
did update our online technical schedule, which changes on Saturday when we
end our additional summer frequencies for Dutch holidaymakers in Europe.



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