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[A-DX] Scandinavian Weekend Radio - Finnland

  • Subject: [A-DX] Scandinavian Weekend Radio - Finnland
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 11:26:10 +0200

SWR ist derzeit 09.25 UT sehr ordentlich auf 11720 kHz zu hören.

Radiomaailma/Radioworld via Scandinavian Weekend Radio is a special transmission starting 21 UTC on August 3rd from annual summermeeting of Finnish DX Association held in Ylöjärvi http://tredxk.hard-core- dx.com/kesis2007/ You can follow atmosphere and happenings in this meeting directly from our remote studio in meeting place.

We shall have 1500 watts ERP-power on our 25 mb frequencies and  
transmitting powers of 400 watts on MW 1602 kHz and 100 watts on 49 mb.

There will be issued a Special QSL from this transmission. Send your  
reports with 2 IRC's, 2 Euros or 2 US-dollars to:
SWR Reports
P O Box 99
FI-34801 Virrat

e-mails to our studios: studio(at)swradio(piste)net

73 Christoph

30 mt Langdraht


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Admin: Christoph Ratzer, OE2CRM  http://www.ratzer.at
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