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Re: [A-DX] Monaco

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Monaco
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 13:58:55 +0200

Ergibt jetzt 294 + 52ehemalige Länder.

Ja, da gibt es noch mehr Enclaven/Exclaven. Man muss ja nicht gleich das
Saarland, Triest und West-Berlin extra rechnen, wie bei den Amis.
Aber die mögliche Zahl der realen Radio Länder laut der neuen EDXC List
steigert sich erklecklich. Zumal 14 Länder allein in der Antarctica.
73 wb

BÜSINGEN    German enclave in the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen
CAMPIONE    Italian enclave in the Swiss canton of Ticino
KALININGRAD since 6 Sep 1991; before that part of the ?USSR as the
           Kaliningradskaya oblast, now enclave of *Russia
ANNOBON (PAGALU) outlying part of *Equatorial Guinea
CABINDA     enclave of *Angola
EUROPA      Europa Island and Bassas da India (islands); French
           possessions in the Mozambique Channel
JUAN DE NOVA island, G.C: 17.02S/43.42E
NAKHICHEVAN since 26 Dec 1991; before that part of the ?USSR;
           enclave of *Azerbaijan
[nicht Ödipussi]
OECUSSI until 16 Jul 1976 and since 20 May 2002; enclave of *East
          Timor; during the intervening period part of *Indonesia as part
          of the Timor Timur province (illegal occupation); also known as
          Oekussi or Oecussi-Ambeno
[aber Palestina und Gaza strip nicht ! ]
PALESTINE  until 13 May 1948; then as *Israel and Transjordania (now
          in *Jordan); the current autonomous Palestinian areas within
          *Israel as yet do not qualify for status as a separate radio
RAS MUSANDAM enclave of *Oman (tip of Musandam Peninsula)
HOWLAND & BAKER ISLANDS G.C: 0.48N/176.38W and 0.13N/176.31W; US territories
JARVIS ISLAND G.C: 0.22S/160.03W; US territory
JOHNSTON ATOLL G.C: 16.45N/169.31W; US territory as Johnston and Sand
LINE ISLANDS, NORTHERN incl. Teraina (Washington), Tabuaeran (Fanning), and
Kiritimati (Christmas) islands; excl. *Palmyra and Kingman Reef
LINE ISLANDS, SOUTHERN = Malden, Starbuck, Caroline, Flint and Vostok
          islands; excl. *Jarvis
MARQUESAS ISLANDS administratively part of French Polynesia
MARSHALL ISLANDS incl. Enewetak, Bikini, Kwajalein; since 21
          Oct 1986 republic, before that US-administered UN trusteeship
MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF since 10 May 1979; before that part of the
          ?Caroline Is.; incl. Kosrae, Pohnpei (Ponape), Truk (Chuuk) and
          Yap; until 3 Nov 1986 US-administered UN Trusteeship
MINAMI TORI SHIMA = Marcus Island; G.C: 24.16N/154E; to Japan,
          before 27 June 1968 under US administration
OGASAWARA  incl. Kazan Retto (Volcano Islands, incl. Iwo Jima) and
          Ogasawara Gunto (Bonin Islands)
OKINO TORI SHIMA = Parece Vela; G.C: 20.25N/136.00E
TOKELAU    until 6 May 1946 named Union Islands; = Atafu, Fakaofo, Nukunono
TUAMOTU ARCHIPELAGO incl. Gambier; administratively part of Fr Polynesia
TUBUAI ISLANDS administratively part of French Polynesia; = Austral Islands
AVES also known as Isla Aves or Bird Island; G.C: 15.42N/63.38W;
SAN ANDRES & PROVIDENCIA incl. Bajo Nuevo, Cayos de Albuquerque, Serranilla
          Bank,Quita Sueño Bank, Roncador Cay, and Serrana Bank
DESVENTURADOS = Isla San Ambrosio and Isla San Félix (adm. by Chile)
JUAN FERNANDEZ (adm. by Chile)
SÃO PAULO  São Pedro e São Paulo = Brazilian islands
TRINDADE   incl. Martim Vaz; Brazilian islands

----- Original Message ----- From: "Patrick Robic" <patrick.robic@xxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 12:08 PM
Subject: [A-DX] Monaco

Hallo !
Da vor kurzem hier in der Liste die Frage auftauchte, wie man Monaco nach
EDXC-Regeln zählen sollte, ist diese Ergänzung in der aktuellen EDXC-Liste
vielleicht von Interesse:

MCO 27 MONACO incl. the Fontbonne and Col de la Madonne (Mt. Agel)
transmitter sites on adjacent French territory, not incl. the Roumoules site
in France

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