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[A-DX] RNW Umfrage für Hörer in NA

  • Subject: [A-DX] RNW Umfrage für Hörer in NA
  • From: "paul gager" <aon.912332257@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:01:41 +0200

Vielleicht von Interesse was RNW so wissen will.


(RN-NL vom 11.7.07)

One of the things I had hoped to do today was produce an online form to
gather information about how our listeners in North America access Radio
Netherlands. In the meantime, here's what we're interested in, and thanks to
those of you who have already responded to what I published in the Weblog

RNW invites feedback from our North American SW listeners
As part of our ongoing evaluation of the services we offer, our English
Department is interested in hearing from listeners to our shortwave services
to North America. We are especially interested in knowing the following:

 1.. Which of our daily shortwave transmissions do you generally listen to,
and how many times per week on average?

 2.. Do you consider the current shortwave transmission time(s) to be
optimal, or do you have a suggestion for a different time? Please make sure
you tell us which state/province you live in.

 3.. Do you listen to the additional transmissions on Sat/Sun? Do you find
these useful?

 4.. Do you listen to our morning transmission at 1100 UTC?

 5.. Do you listen to us on other platforms in addition to shortwave e.g.
Internet, WRN North America?

You can send us your comments to letters@rnw. nl (comments may be used on the
air unless you specifically request otherwise), or leave a comment in the
Weblog if you prefer. Or, you can wait a few days till we get an online form

At this stage, this is only an informal information-gathering exercise.
There is no hidden agenda; we simply want to be sure we're in touch with the
needs of our listeners. The best way to do that is to ask the listeners. We
do not simply decide what we think is best, we prefer dialogue and
consultation. Later this year we shall be launching a new Listeners' Panel
for our English transmissions. More details in due course.

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