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[A-DX] J:Neuer KW-Dienst ohne QRG/Zeit-Angaben

  • Subject: [A-DX] J:Neuer KW-Dienst ohne QRG/Zeit-Angaben
  • From: "paul gager" <aon.912332257@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 15:03:36 +0200

Im deutschsprachigen Programm von Radio Japan wurde am MO 9.7. nachfolgende
Meldung übersetzt verlesen.

Meine copy dazu:

Japan starts shortwave broadcasting on abductions by N.Korea

The Japanese government will launch short-wave broadcasts aimed at achieving
an early return of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea and believed
to be living there.

The broadcasts, to be launched on Tuesday before dawn, are being
commissioned to a private broadcaster.

They will be aired every night in Japanese and Korean for 30 minutes in each

The broadcasts will include encouraging words from relatives of abductees,
and government information on developments in the abduction issue and the
international situation surrounding North Korea. The content of the
broadcasts will change each week.

The private broadcaster will send out signals via transmission stations
overseas.The government has declined to comment on the time and frequency of
the broadcasts, citing potential jamming by North Korea.

The Japanese government officially recognizes 17 people as having been
abducted by North Korea in the 1970s and 1980s. Five of them returned to
Japan in 2002.


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