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[A-DX] Serious EMWG (and WRTH, PAL, ...) copyright matter/violation

  • Subject: [A-DX] Serious EMWG (and WRTH, PAL, ...) copyright matter/violation
  • From: Herman Boel <herman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 20:14:13 +0200

Dear all,

As you know, the EMWG online version is updated very regulary, hoping to provide you constantly with the latest information and most accurate data on long and medium wave in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

The same goes for the Pacific Asian List, the WRTH on a yearly basis, 
and others.
Without all of these lists, our DX lives would be much harder.

I'm afraid all of these lists have now fallen victim to someone who believes he can simply violate the copyright of these publications. Tony Hudson, former webmaster of the Medium Wave Circle, has copied word for word much of these lists on his web site www.mediumwaveradio.org.

Tony himself has admitted "The listing information was complied from a 
variety of sources" and states that copyright has not been violated as 
EMWG and WRTH have "no copyright over station frequency information as 
it is freely available in the public domain".

If you have a look at his web site, I am sure that you will agree that 
copyright of these lists has indeed been violated.

I have contacted his domain registrar to inform him of the copyright 

It is sad to see that these types of things occur in our hobby. But with 
your continuous help and support, the owners of these lists will 
continue their hard work.

I felt it necessary to inform you about this situation. Feel free to 
contact me, the WRTH/PAL, or even Tony himself 
(webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) if you want to react to this matter.
Thank you for your attention.

- Herman -
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