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Re: [A-DX] Unid auf 8989
- Subject: Re: [A-DX] Unid auf 8989
- From: Patrick Robic <patrick.robic@xxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 12:49:15 +0200
Hallo Gerd ! Gerd Opalka schrieb:
Das war auch schon Thema in Glenn Hauser´s DXLD 7-037 und 7-038. Es dürfte sich hierbei um Sendungen von/für Fischer in der Karibik handeln.Hallo Liste, Habe letzte Nacht von 0:20-0:26 eine LA-Station auf 8989 khz gehört.Es war mit Sicherheit eine religiöse Station.Standort ist vermutlich Peru. Zur Kontrolle habe ich dann den Dxtuner (DX San Antonio) eingeschaltet.Hier war dann aber leider nur noch der Träger auszumachen,sonst nichts mehr. Weiß ein Listenteilnehmer mehr???
Hier sind die Auszüge aus DXLD: UNIDENTIFIED. Sunday March 18 at 2352 UT hearing something on 8989.1 USB. M speaking Spanish, seems religious. Not very strong, and moderate QRN from 2-way communications in Spanish on 8990 USB, but can make out many mentions of "en el nombre de Jesus," and also mentions of "en esta frecuencia," "este programa," and "servicio de la palabra." Anyone else hear this/have any idea of what it is? (Alex Vranes, Jr., Harpers Ferry, WV, FRG-100B + 200-ft. dipole, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1351, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Again hearing something here 3/19/07 at 2310 UT. Even a little weaker than yesterday, but can make out M speaking in Spanish, and have heard several mentions of "Dios," which again leads me to believe is religious in nature. Odd choice of frequency, though. Maybe directed to the pescadores, who operate in the 8850-9000 kHz range? BTW, was gone yesterday by 0025 recheck. Still on at 2357 today. Have to leave for a while now, so now doubt will be gone by the time I get back. Anybody else hearing this? (Alex Vranes, WV, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Fair to good signal here in Italy with a live public sermon (voices from participants also heard in the background). Seemingly a little bit stronger on the southwest lobe of my K9AY (Renato Bruni http://www.radioascolto.org/html/index.php 2338 March 19 WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) Felicitaciones Renato and good listening! You got it right. From so far as Italy you are able to pick up those low power transmitters at sea and I only can attribute that to your K9AY. I have read great articles about it. I think our Portuguese pal Carlos Gonçalves is using one of those rigs. So, I'm seriously considering to build me one. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, ibid.) Raul, you should. My K9AY gave me a lot of fun in the last 4 years. I have uploaded a recording of the greetings between the preacher and the crews, you can hear it here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1r7e6g Thanks a lot for providing some info on such informal network (Renato Bruni, ibid.) Hey, maybe it`s that Canary Islands church rediscovered? Used to be on 6 MHz outofband. Anything in Korean? (Glenn, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) No, Glenn. It's in Spanish. "Oraciones" right now. It's quite readable here, but unfortunately [not] any detail useful for identification has been given. They are closing right now and it's clearly aimed to Spanish-speaking fishers, as they're greeting each other in a QSO- style with some name of ship mentioned. Maybe mentions Venezuela and Nicaragua where heard (Renato Bruni, Italy, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) 100% Alex! Hope when you come back your inquiries are clarified with this. 8989 is now the gathering frequency for a growing group of Christian fishermen, mostly from Caribbean Nicaragua, who got to struggle day by day a tough living and in some way is heathen people who hardly can talk without cursing and saying bad words. So one of them by the name of Mauricio Coronado was teaching about eternity and after praying, they ended with salutations from other colleagues from Lancha Antorcha, and even a guy from Venezuela who I copied marginal. That ended after 0000 and invitation was made to QSY to 8962, for more talking among brothers, with same clear and good signal. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) Hi, Renato, Glenn, and Raul! Just got back home 0215, and saw all the replies! Thanx to you all for your help. Glenn, you know I did think of the Canaries station, but I remembered it was in Korean. And to our friend in Italy Renato, I'm surprised you could hear them with such a signal from so far away. It's been barely audible here near the top of the largest hill in this area using a 200-ft. (about 60.9-m.) dipole hung about 20-25 ft. or so above the ground. A very excellent logging for your location in Europe of an apparently very low-power signal. And finally, to our dear amigo costaricense (Did I get that right? My knowledge of Spanish is very limited!) Raul, thanx so very much for helping to ID this. I kind of thought it was not really a general broadcasting station, and maybe directed to the pescadores who operate in this general area of the band, and you've now confirmed this. (BTW, several weekends ago, I believe on a Sunday, I heard a station in this area, I think it was around 8937 USB or so, broadcasting in Portuguese. It sounded like a Brazilian with futebol match, and I thought probably also a relay directed to fishermen, but didn't have time to copy details or submit a logging. So this might be an area to watch on weekends.) Thanx everyone! 73's. (Alex Vranes, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) Raul, Is there a name for this net? Specific schedule? Is there ever any music? Are there ever any legal IDs? If not, would qualify as pirates. 73, (Glenn, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) Hi Glenn, I think they mentioned a name, not being sure I'll have to check again tomorrow. Guess they gather at sunset, around 1700 local (2300z) as Alex has been reporting from last Sunday. And no music AFA I heard. They occasionally go on the air in a 2 way mode commenting how fishing is behaving among other topics. So they can talk about politics, women, family and why not, Bible teachings and prayers, altho this is the first time I hear them about it. Honestly I can't tell if by doing so they would be regarded as pirates, and the question is, what are they violating? 73. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, WORLD OF RADIO 1351, ibid.) UNIDENTIFIED. Hi Glenn, no specific name has been heard for nearly four days monitoring 8989 USB at sunset, which I would call Fishermen Church of the Air, beginning this Sunday 25 even earlier than on weekdays as I checked at 2130, having a prayer welcoming all brothers, and a boat Cachalote 3 was mentioned. What I have been noting is there isn't only Caribbeans, but people from Perú as well as our Pacific port of Puntarenas have been participating. So it's clearly growing. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, March 25, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 73, Patrick -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Diese Mail wurde ueber die A-DX Mailing-Liste gesendet. 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[A-DX] Unid auf 8989
- From: Gerd Opalka
[A-DX] Unid auf 8989
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