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Re: [A-DX] 12000 Paraguay

Wolfgang Bueschel schrieb:
Vielleicht hat jemand ganz grosse Ohren, heute am Donnerstag:

Guten Abend,

Keine großen Ohren, aber ein Spectrum, auf welchem zwei Träger in der Gegend von 12000 kHz sind.
1. 11999,65 kHz
2. 12000,32 kHz
Beide sind aber auch noch um 19.10 UT vorhanden.


PARAGUAY 12000 R. Licemil, experimental 25 watt stn from Liceo Militar
"Acosta Ñu" (Army School). Was on Mar 15 at 1820-1900 and 1920-2050;
interview, etc. student greetings in Sp, En, Port, Guarani.
Contact: <licemil @ lycos.com>
tel. 595 275 32311; FAX 595 275 32316.
TXions only a few days per month, on special dates.
(Info from Adan Mur, Ñemby-PRG, per Slaen-ARG, DXplorer Mar 18)

DXer Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, SP, Brazil asked the station at
<licemil @ lycos.com> about which days are they on. This is what Ms. Nelly
Martinez, professor at this highschool replied, translated by myself from
text in Port:

"We are currently broadcasting on Thu 1820-1900 and at around the frame
1920-2050 (UTC) on around 12000 kHz, 25 mb. The pgming consists of
interviews, reports, and other practical training from the course of Arts
and Technologies, from the Military Highschool ("Liceo Militar") "Acosta
Ñu", Ypane, Republica del Paraguay.

They hope to increase the sked for further including other courses.
(via Rudolph Grimm, Brazil. "Radioescutas" YG, via Horacio Nigro-URG,
DXplorer Mar 21)
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