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Re: [A-DX] Neue KW-Station in der Zentralafrikan Rep.

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Neue KW-Station in der Zentralafrikan Rep.
  • From: "Rudolf Sonntag" <Rudolf.Sonntag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 07 Mar 2007 22:17 GMT

"Harald Kuhl" <HKu-DX@xxxxxx> schrieb:
> Das müsste bei freier Frequenz gehen, wenn die nicht nur tagsüber senden. Auf 6030 kHz kam Radio Okapi am späten Abend teilweise recht gut aus ex-Zaire.
> Danke für den Tipp!
> Harald

Da hilft das weiter:

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 6030 Radio ICDI is the name of this new station. The schedule is 6-9 AM and 5-9 PM CAR time into a lazy H antenna running 1 kW. They say they have gotten reports via cell phone from as far was 600 miles. Folks are actually calling in rather than texting. Programming is mostly educational and developmental. All this via a phone conversation with station personnel this morning.
(Hans Johnson, Mar 7, Cumbre DX)

Rudolf Sonntag, Gilching, Germany

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