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[A-DX] [Fwd: Re: reception report of 15630 kHz broadcast transmission]

  • Subject: [A-DX] [Fwd: Re: reception report of 15630 kHz broadcast transmission]
  • From: Sven Dibbert <swl@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:21:20 +0100


die im DXLD genannte Mailadresse für die ERA Testsendungen radiosva@xxxxxxxxx funktioniert nicht. Auch radiosvo@xxxxxxxxx hab ich probiert, die gibts auch nicht. Ich habe dann hier
eine funktionierende Mailadresse gefunden (Achtung Datei ist 5,6 MB groß). Sie ist shipsva@xxxxxxxxx.

Hier die Antwort auf meinen Bericht. Ob ich jetzt noch was schriftliches 
Grüße Sven

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: reception report of 15630 kHz broadcast transmission
Datum: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 07:19:23 -0000
Von: shipsva <shipsva@xxxxxxxxx>
An: <swl@xxxxxxx>
Referenzen: <45D454F0.6000804@xxxxxxx>

Hello from Greece,
We confirm  ERA Broadcasts throuth OLYMPIARADIO
Our coordinates (QTH) : 37o 36' 11,7''N and 21o 29' 11'' E
Tx Model Marconi, Antenna LP TCI 570B, Dir 310o, G 14dbi, Pw 10KW
0700-1100 utc 11645khz

0700-1000 utc 11645 kHZ

1100-1545 utc 15630 kHZ

2200-0600 utc   5865 kHZ

Also, we would appreciate that, if send your in detail observations.

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sven Dibbert" <swl@xxxxxxx>
To: <shipsva@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:41 PM
Subject: reception report of 15630 kHz broadcast transmission

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

I received the transmission on 15630 kHz on sunday, 11. feb 2007. I listened from 13.40 UTC until 13.50 utc. While i was tuning the 19 meter band the programm on 15630 kHz got my attention because it had technical problems. I heard folk music. The SINPO was 55555. But the programm had permanent interruptions. Short interruptions of 1 second and longer up to 5 seconds. If the interruptions was longer then 1 second, the carrier was off, too. At 14.05 utc i tuned again to 15630 kHz. I think the program was news. The Signal was poor compared to 20 minutes before. But the interruptions went.
If possible please send me a reception report to:

Sven Dibbert
Klettenweg 15
99097 Erfurt

With kind regards Sven

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