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[A-DX] Fw: [dxld] DRM now in GUF, then in IND

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [dxld] DRM now in GUF, then in IND
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 16:56:19 +0100

15 January to New York City on        17875 kHz 1300 to 2020 UT

Ich höre um 1500 UT auf 17875 ein Geschnarre, ist wohl GUF mit DRM mode, bin
aber zu faul das G'lomp mit dem PC zusammen zu stecken.

Und aus Indien gibt es demnächst auch digitale Geräusche. 73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser" Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 5:54 AM
Subject: [dxld] DRM now in GUF, then in IND

** GUIANA FRENCH. HEADS UP! Next week, from Montsinéry, we will perform
DRM transmissions to New York City on Monday 15 January and then to Dallas
meetings in Continental) until Friday 19 January.

Special DRM transmissions from Montsinéry, French Guiana with 150 kW into
a 4/4

15 January to New York City on        17875 kHz 1300 to 2020 UT
16 to 18 January to Dallas / Texas on 21620 kHz 1300 to 2020 UT
19 to 23 January to Mexico City on    21620 kHz 1300 to 2020 UT
(-Christopher, Jan 11, drmna yg via DXLD)

Details at : http://alokeshgupta.blogspot.com/
(Alokesh Gupta, UT Jan 15, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.:

New Delhi, Jan 14: All India Radio will soon be joining the selected
league of
broadcasters having DRM capability. One of the high power transmitters at
Khampur, Delhi D17 (Thomcast 53C3-3P53 250 kW code named D17) will be
for DRM operation. Thalès Switzerland provided the equipment, technology &
support for the upgradation of shortwave transmitter at an estimated cost
CHF 290870.

DRM equipment reached Khampur on Jan 03, and the commissioning engineer
Thalès arrived on Jan 09. Installation is expected to be over by early
week and test transmissions expected by next week. According to sources
will be Thalès Skywave 2000 system which has been designed to enable
AM radio broadcasting transmitter equipment to create, transmit, receive
analyze digital signals. As the AIR officials also admit the success of
depends on the availability of DRM capable radios in India at an
price. Hope this does not meets the fate of DAB which was tested by AIR
since last 6 years, being demonstrated in the broadcast exhibitions year
year but was never launched. Last time when I was at AIR headquarters,
officials were talking about big plans to rollout DRM in phased way in
Let`s hope for the best (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, Jan 14, via DXLD)

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